1000+ Popular Baby Names and Meanings That Start with “C ” - CUSTOM EPISODE (2025)

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    Sure, Here is a list of 1000+ popular baby names for boys and girls that start with the letter “C”:

    C Entries – Boy Names

    01CabeVariant of surname Cable – Ropemaker.
    02CableRopemaker. An English surname.
    03CadabyrFrom the warrior’s settlement
    04CadbyFrom the warrior’s settlement
    06CaddahamFrom the soldier’s land
    07CaddaricBattle leader
    08CaddarikBattle leader
    09CaddawycFrom the warrior’s town
    10CaersewiellaLives at the watercress spring
    11CaindaleFrom the clear river valley
    12CainePlace name unrelated to the Biblical Cain.
    13CalBold: Abbreviation of names beginning with Cal-
    14CalldwrCold brook
    16CaleBold: Surname derived from Charles.
    17CaldwiellaFrom the cold spring
    18CaldwellFrom the cold spring
    19CaldreCold brook
    20CalderCold brook
    22CalbertCowherd: cowboy.
    23CalvertCowherd: cowboy.
    24CenewygBold warrior
    25Cenewig Bold warrior
    26Cenehard Bold guardian
    27Celdtun From the farm by the spring
    28Cedric Battle leader
    28Ceastun Camp
    29Ceaster Lives at the camp
    30Ceapmann Merchant
    32Caster From the Roman camp
    33CarverCarves wood or sculpts
    34Carvell From the villa by the march
    35Carvel From the villa by the march
    36CartlandFrom the land between the streams
    37Cartere Drives a cart
    38Carter Drives a cart
    39Carswell Lives at the watercress spring
    40Carson Son of Carr
    41Carrington Place name and surname.
    42CarnellDefender of the castle.
    43CarlyleFrom the walled City
    44Carlton Free men’s town.
    45Carlson Variant of Carlton free men’s town.
    46CarlisleFrom the walled City
    47CarletonVariant of Carlton free men’s town.
    48Carlatun From Carl’s farm
    49Carl a man
    51 CeolbeorhtSeaman
    52 CetewindFrom the cottage on the winding path
    53 ChaceHuntsman.
    55Chase Huntsman.
    56Chas a man: variant of Carl.
    57Charlya man: variant of Carl.
    58CharltonFrom Charles’s farm
    59Charliea man: variant of Carl.
    60Charleya man: variant of Carl.
    61CharletonFrom Charles’s farm
    62Charleston aman: variant of Carl.
    63Charlesona man: variant of Carl.
    64CharlesA man. French variant of Carl adopted by the English since seventeenth-century reigns of King Charles I and II. British Charles Prince of Wales
    65Chapman Merchant
    66Channonyoung wolf.
    67ChanningYoung wolf.
    68Channeyoung wolf.
    69Channyoung wolf.
    72Chancellor Chancellor
    74ChadwykFrom the warrior’s town
    75ChadwikFrom the warrior’s town
    76ChadwickFrom the warrior’s town
    77ChadbyrneFrom the wildcat brook
    78ChadburneFrom the wildcat brook
    79ChadburnFrom the wildcat brook
    80Chad Warring: Medieval given name: abbreviation of surnames Chadwick and Chadwell.
    81Choncey fortune: a gamble. Variant of Chauncey.
    82Claegborne From the clay brook
    83Claegtun Mortal
    84Chris Abbreviation of Christopher and Christian.
    85Chuck a man: variant of Carl.
    86Churchill Lives at the church hill
    87Churchyll Lives at the church hill
    88Cingeswell Lives at the king’s spring
    89Cingeswiella Lives at the king’s spring
    90Cinwell Lives at the king’s spring
    91Circehyll Lives at the church hill
    92Claec Dark
    93Claeg Mortal
    94Chilton From the farm by the spring
    95Chick a man: variant of Carl.
    96Chetwyn From the cottage on the winding path
    97Chetwin From the cottage on the winding path
    98Chet Camp of the soldiers.
    99Cheston Camp
    100Chester Lives at the camp of the soldiers.
    101Chess Camp of the soldiers.
    102Chaz a man: variant of Carl.
    104Chauncy fortune: a gamble. Variant of Chauncey.
    105ChaunceyChancellor: fortune: a gamble.
    107Chaunce Chancellor
    108ChatwynWarring friend
    109ChatwinWarring friend
    110ChathamFrom the soldier’s land
    111Clive Lives at the cliffs
    112Clinttun From the headland estate
    113Clinton From the headland estate. Hillside town.
    114Clintwood hillside.
    115Clint From the headland estate
    116Cliftun From the farm near the cliff
    117Clifton From the farm near the cliff
    118Clifland From the cliff land
    119Cliffton From the farm near the cliff
    120Clifford Lives by the ford near the cliff
    121Cliff Lives by the ford near the cliff
    122Clevon From the cliff
    123Cleveland From the cliff land
    124Cleve cliffs: Abbreviation of Cleveland.
    125Cleon From the cliff
    126Cleavon Cliff.
    127Clayton Mortal: Place-name and surname derived from Clay.
    128Clayson Variant of Nicholas.
    129Clayburn From the clay brook
    130Claybourne From the clay brook
    131Clayborne From the clay brook
    132Clay Mortal
    133Claiborn From the clay brook
    135Claudio Lame.
    136Claude Lame
    137Claud Lame
    138Clarke Cleric: secretary.
    139Clark Cleric: secretary.
    140Claiborne clay
    140Collyer Charcoal merchant
    142Collis Son of the dark man
    143Collins Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory.
    144Collin Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory.
    145Collier Charcoal merchant Coal miner.
    146Colis Son of the dark man
    147Colin Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory.
    148Colier Charcoal merchant
    149Colfre Dove
    150Coley Variant of Nicholas people’s victory.
    151Coletun From the dark town
    152Colemann Dark skinned
    153Coleman Dark skinned
    154Cole From the dark town: Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory.
    155Colby From the black farm
    156Colbert Seaman
    157Colan Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory.
    158Cofahealh Lives at the cave slope
    159Cody A cushion: Helpful.
    160Codie A cushion
    161Codi A cushion
    162Clyffton – From the farm near the cliff
    163Codey Helpful.
    164Codell Helpful
    165Coby Variant of Coburn.
    166Coburn Surname and place name.
    167Clyve Lives at the cliffs
    168Clyftun From the farm near the cliff
    169ClyfordCliff-side ford.
    170Clyfland From the cliff land
    171Colvyr – Dove
    172Cordell Cordmaker.
    173Corday Variant of Cordell cordmaker.
    174Cordale Variant of Cordell cordmaker.
    175Cord Variant of Cordell cordmaker.
    176Corbyn Raven-haired.
    178Corbett Raven
    179Corben Raven-haired.
    180CoopersmithBarrel maker
    181Cooper Barrel maker
    182Cony Variant of Corey Hill hollow
    183Colys Son of the dark man
    184Colyn Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory.
    185Colyer Charcoal merchant
    186Corey – Hill hollow.
    187Corrick Variant of Corey Hill hollow.
    188Colman Variant of Nicholas people’s victory.
    189Correy Variant of Corey Hill hollow.
    190Corley Variant of Corey Hill hollow.
    191Corky Variant of Corey Hill hollow.
    192Colvert Seaman
    193Colver Dove
    194Coltrane Variant of Colt young horse:frisky.
    195Colton From the dark town
    196Coltere Horse herdsman
    197Colter Horse herdsman Variant of Colt young horse:frisky.
    198Colten Coal town.
    199Colt From the dark town
    200Colson Variant of Nicholas people’s victory.
    201Cranly – From the crane meadow
    202Cranley From the crane meadow
    203Cranleah From the crane meadow
    204Crandell From the crane valley
    205Crandall From the crane valley
    206Covyll Lives at the cave slope
    207CovellLives at the cave slope
    208Courtney Courtier: court attendant.
    209Courtland Lives at the farmstead
    210Courtenay Courtier: court attendant.
    211Court Courtier: court attendant.
    212Coulter Variant of Colt young horse:frisky.
    213Cory hill: hollow.
    214Corwyn Friend of the heart
    215CranstonFrom the crane estate
    216Croften From the enclosed town
    217Crispin Curly-haired. The 3rd century martyr St. Crispin is known as patron of shoemakers.
    218Crichton From the town by the creek
    219Crespin Curly-haired. The 3rd century martyr St. Crispin is known as patron of shoemakers.
    220Creketun Lives at the creek town
    221Creighton Lives at the creek town
    222Creed Belief: guiding principle.
    223Crawford From the crow’s ford
    224Cranstun From the crane estate
    225Cortland Courtier: court attendant.
    226Corvin Raven-haired.
    227Corwine Friend of the heart
    228Corwin Friend of the heart
    229Corwan Friend of the heart
    230Cort Courtier: court attendant.
    231Crofton From the enclosed town
    232Cynrik Royal
    233Cynric Royal
    234Cyning Royal
    235Cynhard Bold guardian
    236Cynerik Royal
    238CyneleyLives in the royal meadow
    239Cyneleah Lives in the royal meadow
    240Cy Master: lord.
    241Cwentun From the queen’s estate
    242Cutler Makes knives
    243CuthbertNoted splendor
    244Cuthbeorht Noted splendor
    245Curtiss Courteous. See also Curt
    246Curtis Courteous. See also Curt
    247Curt Abbreviation of Curtis courteous. See also Cort and Kurt.
    248Cupere Barrel maker
    249Culver Dove
    250CrombwiellaLives by the winding stream
    251Culbert Seaman
    252Culbart Seaman
    253CroydonSurname and place-name
    254Crowell From a town in England.
    255Crosly From the cross meadow
    256Crosley From the cross meadow
    257Crosleigh From the cross meadow
    258Crosleah From the cross meadow
    259Cromwell Lives by the winding stream
    260Crompton From the winding farm
    261Cyril Master: lord.
    262Christopher Christ-Bearer
    263Clarence Famous
    264Christian A Christian
    265Chester Castle Dweller
    266Chatwin Warlike Friend
    267Charles Manly
    268Chapman Merchant
    269ChanningA Canon
    270Chandler Candlemaker
    271CyrillMaster: lord.
    272ChalmersLord of the Household
    273Chad, ChadwickWarrior
    274Cedric Chieftain
    275Cecil Blind
    276Casper Treasure
    277Casey Brave
    278Cary Fort
    279Carver Wood Carver
    280Carter Cart Driver
    281Carroll Champion
    282Carney Warrior
    283Carlton From Carl’s Farm
    284Carl Farmer
    285Carrick Rock
    286Calvin Bald
    287Caleb Faithful
    288Caldwell Near a Cold Well
    289Calvert Shepherd
    292Cyril Lord-like
    293Craig Rocky Hill
    294Cuthbert Famous and Brilliant
    295Curtis Courteous
    296Curt Short or Little
    297Culver Dove
    298Culbert Cool and Brilliant
    299Crosby Dweller by Town Cross
    300Crispin Curly Haired
    301Corwin The Raven
    302Conway Hound in the Plain
    303Conroy Wise Man
    304Conrad Able in Counsel
    305Connor Lover of Hounds
    306Connell Friendship
    307Clayton, Clay – The Clay Far
    308Conan Wise
    309Collier Miner
    310Colin People’s Victory
    311Coleman Dove
    312Clyde Heard from Afar
    313CliveCliff Dweller
    314Clifford, CliffNear the Cliff

    C Entries – Girl Names

    321Cadee Variant of Cady meaning a rhythmic flow of sounds.
    322Came Joy
    323Camaron Spiritual one. Variant of Cameron.
    324Calynda Contemporary blend of the Italian/Greek Calandra with Linda
    325Callyr Lark
    326Callie Lark
    327Calli Lark
    328CalindaContemporary blend of the Italian/Greek Calandra with Linda
    329Caleigh Pure
    330Cadyna Rhythmic
    331Cady Hillock. A surname or given name meaning a rhythmic flow of sounds.
    332Cadie Variant of Cady meaning a rhythmic flow of sounds.
    333Cadi Variant of Cady meaning a rhythmic flow of sounds.
    334Cadence Variant of Cady meaning a rhythmic flow of sounds.
    335Cadena Rhythmic
    336Camella Variant of the flower name Camelia.
    337Camellia Variant of the flower name Camelia.
    338Cameo A carved gem portrait.
    339Camille Variant of the flower name Camelia.
    340Candace Candace was an ancient hereditary title used by Ethiopian queens.
    341Candice Variant of Candace – ancient hereditary title used by Ethiopian queens.
    342Candiss Candace was an ancient hereditary title used by Ethiopian queens.
    343CandyceCandace was an ancient hereditary title used by Ethiopian queens.
    344Caprice Beautiful
    345Cara Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    346Caralyn Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    347Caree Abbreviation of Carol and Caroline from the masculine Charles meaning manly
    348Carey Abbreviation of Carol and Caroline from the masculine Charles meaning manly
    349Carilyn Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    350Carilynne Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    351CristinVariant of Christian.
    352Carla Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    353CassiAbbreviation of Cassandra. Unheeded prophetess. In Homer’s The Iliad Cassandra’s prediction of the fall of Troy was unheeded.
    354Carynn Modern variant of Karen.
    355Caryn Modern variant of Karen.
    356Caryl Feminine of Carl: joy
    357Carrie Abbreviation of Carol and Caroline from the masculine Charles meaning manly
    358Carree Abbreviation of Carol and Caroline from the masculine Charles meaning manly
    359Carolynn Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    360Carolyne Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    361Carolyn Joy Also feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    362CarolinaFeminine of Carl: joy: song of happiness. Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    363Carolanne Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    364Carolann Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    365Carolan Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    366Carol Feminine of Carl joy. Feminine variant of Charles manly
    367Carlene No
    368Caro Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    369Carmya Song
    370Carmon Unique
    371Carmita Song
    372Carmina Song
    373Carmia Song
    374Carlotta Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    375Carley A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
    376Cassie the fall of Troy was unheeded.
    377Cassy Abbreviation of Cassandra. Unheeded prophetess. In Homer’s The Iliad Cassandra’s prediction of the fall of Troy was unheeded.
    378CathiForm of the Greek Catherine meaning pure.
    379Cathia Form of the Greek Catherine meaning pure.
    380CathieForm of the Greek Catherine meaning pure.
    381Cathy Form of the Greek Catherine meaning pure.
    382Chelsi Place name: a London district.
    383Chelsey Place name: a London district.
    384Chelsee Place name: a London district.
    385Chelsea Seaport. Place name: a London district.
    386Chelsa Place name: a London district.
    387Chatlie Modern form of Charles meaning manly
    388Cherice Blend of Cherie and Cerise. Dear one: darling
    389Charmaine Song
    390Charlynn Modern form of Charles meaning manly
    391Charlyn Modern form of Charles meaning manly
    392Charly Modern form of Charles meaning manly
    393Charlotte Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    394Charli Modern form of Charles meaning manly
    395Charlene Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    396Charlee Modern form of Charles meaning manly
    397Charla Feminine variant of Charles meaning manly
    398Charity Benevolent goodwill and love.
    399Charis Blend of Cherie and Cerise. Dear one: darling
    400Chakierra Wise
    401Catrice – Modern blend of Catrina and Patrice.
    402Cerella Mistress: lady. Feminine of Cyril.
    403Cerelia Mistress: lady. Feminine of Cyril.
    404Cedrina Modern feminine of Cedric.
    405Cedrica Modern feminine of Cedric.
    406Cedra Modern feminine of Cedric.
    407Chelsie Place name: a London district.
    408Chelsy Place name: a London district.
    409Cherese Blend of Cherie and Cerise. Dear one: darling
    410Cheresse Blend of Cherie and Cerise. Dear one: darling
    411Cherilyn Rhyming variant of Marilyn.
    412Christy Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
    413Christina Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
    414Christian Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
    415Christene Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
    416Christena Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
    417Christen Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
    418Christeena Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
    419Christeen Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
    420Christanne Variant of Christian.
    421ChristanaVariant of Christian.
    422Christan Variant of Christian.
    423Chynna –Based on China: popular singer Chynna Phillips.
    424Christabel Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
    425Christa Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
    426China Place name.
    427Cheryll Variant of the French Cherie dear one: darling. Rhyming variant of names like Meryl and Beryl: originated early twentieth century.
    428Cheryl Variant of the French Cherie dear one: darling. Rhyming variant of names like Meryl and Beryl: originated early twentieth century.
    429Cherry The fruit-bearing cherry tree.
    430Cherrill Variant of the French Cherie dear one: darling. Rhyming variant of names like Meryl and Beryl: originated early twentieth century.
    431Cherrie The fruit-bearing cherry tree.
    432Cherrell Variant of the French Cherie dear one: darling. Rhyming variant of names like Meryl and Beryl: originated early twentieth century.
    433Cherisse Blend of Cherie and Cerise. Dear one: darling
    434Cherise Blend of Cherie and Cerise. Dear one: darling
    435Cherisa Blend of Cherie and Cerise. Dear one: darling
    436Cherilynn Rhyming variant of Marilyn.
    437Christyn Variant of Christian.
    438Chrystina Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
    439Chyna Based on China: popular singer Chynna Phillips.
    440Cherri The fruit-bearing cherry tree.
    441Cody Helpful.
    442Courtlyn Courtly: courteous.
    443Countess Titled. Feminine equivalent of Count.
    444Cory From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    445Cortney Courtly: courteous.
    446Corry Variant of Cory meaning variously – From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    447Corrissa Maiden.
    448Corrie Variant of Cory meaning variously – From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    449Corrianne Variant of Cory meaning variously – From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    450Corrianna Variant of Cory meaning variously – From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    451Corri Variant of Cory meaning variously – From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    452Corliss Good hearted: carefree.
    453Corlene Maiden.
    454Coral Semi-precious sea growth often deep pink or red.
    455Corissa Maiden
    456Corisa Variant of Cory meaning variously – From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    457Corie Variant of Cory meaning variously – From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    459Coralee Maiden
    460Corianne Variant of Cory meaning variously – From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    461Coriann Variant of Cory meaning variously – From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    462Cori Variant of Cory meaning variously – From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    463Corey Variant of Cory meaning variously – From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    464Coretta Variant of Cory meaning variously – From the round hill: seething pool: ravine
    465Corella Maiden.
    466Cordelia In Shakespeare’s King Lear a woman of rare honesty.
    467Coralyn Maiden.
    468CoralineFrom the semi-precious sea growth coral
    469Coralie Maiden.
    470Coralia Maiden.
    471CourtneyCourtly: courteous.
    472Cynthia Moon Goddess
    473Courtney Royal Attendent
    474Colby – Dark-skinned.
    475Cora Maiden.
    476Constancia Constancy: steadfastness.
    477Constance Constancy: steadfastness.
    478Connie Abbreviation of Constance.Constancy: steadfastness.
    479Colesha Love of the light. Beauty of the world.
    480Coral Small Stone
    181Clarissa Famous
    182Claire, ClareClear and Bright
    183Christine Christian Faith
    484Chloe Blooming
    485Cheryl Beloved
    486Chelsea Harbour
    487Charlene Small Beauty
    488Charity Affection
    489Courtnie Courtly or courteous. Variant of Courtney.
    490Catherine Pure
    491Cherise Cherry
    492Carmen Crimson or Red
    Carrie, Carol, Caroline – Song of Joy
    493Carly Form of Caroline
    494Carla Feminine of Charles
    495CaitlinThe Celtic form of Catherine
    496Camille Swiftness of Foot
    497Cyrilla Mistress: lady. Feminine of Cyril.
    498Cyneburhleah From the royal meadow
    499Cyne Ruler
    500Cyndy Abbreviation of Cynthia and Lucinda.
    501Cyndi Abbreviation of Cynthia and Lucinda.
    502Cyndee Abbreviation of Cynthia and Lucinda.
    503Cymberly From the royal meadow
    Cynburleigh – From the royal meadow
    504Cristen Variant of Christian.
    505Cym Ruler
    506Cydney Variant of Sydney.
    507Cydnee Variant of Sydney.
    508Cwen Queen
    509Crystal Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
    510Cristyn Variant of Christian.

    Lorne More: Entries A B C D E F GHIJK

    These are All the best examples, and there are many more beautiful names that start with the letter “C” for both boys and girls. Remember to choose a name that you and your partner love and that has personal significance to you.

    1000+ Popular Baby Names and Meanings That Start with “C ” - CUSTOM EPISODE (2025)
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    Author: Annamae Dooley

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    Author information

    Name: Annamae Dooley

    Birthday: 2001-07-26

    Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

    Phone: +9316045904039

    Job: Future Coordinator

    Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

    Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.