Pokemon Unbound Pokemon Locations (2025)

All Pokemon Unbound Pokemon Locations

If you’re looking for Pokemon Unbound Pokemon Locations, we’ve got you covered!

Welcome to the Borrius Region, a region rich in history. Many years ago the Borrius region fought a brutal war with the Kalos region. The people of the Borrius region summoned a dark force to help them defeat their enemies; however, the war ended in defeat when the king of the Kalos region unleashed the ultimate weapon. With the war over, the dark force was sealed away never to be used again. However, many years later, an organization is known simply as “The Shadows” seems bent on releasing the dark force once again. It’s up to you to stop them and save the Borrius region from ultimate destruction.

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Pokemon Unbound Pokemon Locations

Generation 1

Bulbasaur-Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Ivysaur-Evolve Bulbasaur (Lv. 16)

Venusaur-Evolve Ivysaur (Lv. 32)

Charmander-Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Charmeleon-Evolve Charmander (Lv. 16)

Charizard-Evolve Charmeleon (Lv. 36)

Squirtle-Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Wartortle-Evolve Squirtle (Lv. 16)

Blastoise-Evolve Wartortle (Lv. 36)

Caterpie-Grim Woods, Vivill Woods (Day)

Metapod-Vivill Woods (Day) / Evolve Caterpie (Lv. 7)

Butterfree-Evolve Metapod (Lv. 10)

Weedle-Grim Woods, Vivill Woods (Night)

Kakuna-Vivill Woods (Night) / Evolve Weedle (Lv. 7)

Beedrill-Evolve Kakuna (Lv. 10)

Pidgey-Breed Pidgeotto

Pidgeotto-Route 17 (Day) / Evolve Pidgey (Lv. 18)

Pidgeot-Evolve Pidgeotto (Lv. 36)

Rattata-Route 2 (Night)

Raticate-Antisis Sewers / Evolve Rattata (Lv. 20)

Spearow-Route 9

Fearow-Evolve Spearow (Lv. 20)

Ekans-Route 4

Arbok-Evolve Ekans (Lv. 22)

Pikachu-Vivill Woods (Swarm Encounter) / Evolve Pichu (Max Happiness)

Raichu-Evolve Pikachu by using a Thunderstone

Sandshrew-Breed Sandslash

Sandslash-Great Desert / Evolve Sandshrew (Lv. 22)

Nidoran-Route 5

Nidorina-Evolve Nidoran♀️(Lv. 16)

Nidoqueen-Evolve Nidorina by using a Moon Stone

Nidoran-Route 5

Nidorino-Evolve Nidoran♂️ (Lv. 16)

Nidoking-Evolve Nidorino by using a Moon Stone

Clefairy-Crater Town PC (Hidden behind a bookshelf) / Evo Cleffa (Max Happiness)

Clefable-Evolve Clefairy by using a Moon Stone

Vulpix-Cinder Volcano (Swarm Encounter)

Ninetales-Evolve Vulpix by using a Fire Stone

Jigglypuff-Victory Road (Grass Maze Area) / Evolve Igglybuff (Max Happiness)

Wigglytuff-Evolve Jigglypuff by using a Moon Stone

Zubat-Route 5 (Night), Icicle Cave, KBT Expressway

Golbat-Icicle Cave B1F, Icy Hole, Route 11 Mountain, Rift Cave, Antisis Sewers, Victory Road 1F+4F, Kyure

Oddish-Route 14 (Night)

Gloom-Route 14, Cootes Bog (Night) / Evolve Oddish (Lv. 21)

Vileplume-Evolve Gloom by using a Leaf Stone

Paras-Vivill Woods (Static Encounter)

Parasect-Evolve Paras (Lv. 24)

Venonat-Route 5 (Night)

Venomoth-Evolve Venonat (Lv. 31)

Diglett-Lost Tunnel

Dugtrio-Lost Tunnel / Evolve Diglett (Lv. 26)

Meowth-Route 11

Persian-Route 18 / Evolve Meowth (Lv. 28)

Psyduck-Grim Woods, Valley Cave, Vivill Woods (Good Rod & Surf) / Tehl Town, Epidimy Town (Surf)

Golduck-Grim Woods, Valley Cave, Vivill Woods, Crystal Peak (Super Rod & Surf) / Tehl Town, Epidimy Town

Mankey-Route 4

Primeape-Evolve Mankey (Lv. 28)

Growlithe-Route 5 (Day)

Arcanine-Evolve Growlithe by using a Fire Stone

Poliwag-Route 3 (Walk), Tarmigan Town (Good Rod & Surf) / Dehara City (Good Rod) / Polder Town, Cootes Bog (Old Rod)

Poliwhirl-Tarmigan Town (Super Rod & Surf) / Dehara City (Super Rod) / Polder Town, Cootes Bog (Good Rod

Poliwrath-Evolve Poliwhirl by using a Water Stone

Abra-Route 7

Kadabra-Evolve Abra (Lv. 16)

Alakazam-Evolve Kadabra by using a Link Stone

Machop-Route 11 Mountain

Machoke-Route 11 Mountain / Evolve Machop (Lv. 28)

Machamp-Evolve Machoke by using a Link Stone

Bellsprout-Route 14 (Day)

Weepinbell-Route 14, Cootes Bog (Day) / Evolve Bellsprout (Lv. 21)

Victreebell-Evolve Weepinbell by using a Leaf Stone

Tentacool-Route 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Dresco Town, Fallshore City, Dehara City

Tentacruel-Route 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Dresco Town, Fallshore City, Dehara City

Geodude-Route 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, Epidimy Town, Cinder Volcano, Valley Cave, KBT, Lost Tunnel, Ruins o

Graveler-Epidimy Town, Cinder Volcano, Lost Tunnel, Tomb of Borrius, Crystal Peak (Rock Smash) / Los

Golem-Evolve Graveler by using a Link Stone

Ponyta-Route 12

Rapidash-Evolve Ponta (Lv. 40)

Slowpoke-Route 3, Route 14 / Tarmigan Town (Surf)

Slowbro-Evolve Slowpoke (Lv. 37)

Magnemite-Thundercap Mountain

Magneton-Thundercap Mountain / Evolve Magnemite (Lv. 30)

Farfetch’d-Route 18 (Day)

Doduo-Route 7 (Day)

Dodrio-Evolve Doduo (Lv. 31)

Seel-Icicle Cave, Frost Mountain (Good Rod & Surf) / Icy Hole, Kyurem’s Cave (Good Rod)

Dewgong-Icicle Cave, Icy Hole, Frost Mountain, Kyurem’s Cave (Super Rod & Surf) / Evolve Seel (Lv. 34)

Grimer-Antisis Sewers (Walk, Old Rod, Good Rod, Surf)

Muk-Antisis Sewers (Walk, Super Rod, Surf) / Evolve Grimer (Lv. 38)

Shellder-Route 2, 3, 14, 15, Icicle Cave, Icy Hole, Dresco Town, Frost Mountain, Ruins of Void, Vivil

Cloyster-Route 3, 14, 15, Icicle Cave, Icy Hole, Frost Mountain (Super Rod) / Evolve Shellder by using

Gastly-Grim Woods

Haunter-Rift Cave / Evolve Gastly (Lv. 25)

Gengar-Evolve Haunter by using a Link Stone

Onix-Frost Mountain, Route 11 Mountain, Crystal Peak

Drowzee-Route 7 (Night)

Hypno-Evolve Drowzee (Lv. 26)

Krabby-Route 3 (Good Rod) / Route 2, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, Outside of the Thundercap Mountain (Rock Smash)

Kingler-Route 3 (Super Rod) / Route 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, Outside of the Thundercap Mountain (Rock Smash)

Voltorb-Dehara City Gym (Static Encounter)

Electrode-Trade in Blizzard City / Dehara City Gym (Static Encounter) / Evolve Voltorb (Lv. 30)

Exeggcute-Route 11, Safari Zone (Hard, Insane)

Exeggutor-Evolve Exeggcute by using a Leaf Stone

Cubone-Thundercap Mountain (1F+3F), Safari Zone (Easy)

Marowak-Thundercap Mountain 3F / Evolve Cubone (Lv. 28 during the day)

Hitmonlee-Evolve Tyrogue (Lv. 20, Atk > Def)

Hitmonchan-Evolve Tyrogue (Lv. 20, Def > Atk)

Lickitung-Route 5

Koffing-Antisis Sewers

Weezing-Antisis Sewers / Evolve Koffing (Lv. 35)

Rhyhorn-Safari Zone (Easy, Medium)

Rhydon-Safari Zone (Hard, Insane) / Evolve Rhyhorn (Lv. 42)

Chansey-Evolve Happiny (Leveled up while holding an Oval Stone during the day)

Tangela-Route 16

Kangaskhan-Safari Zone (Medium, Hard, Insane)

Horsea-Route 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Gurun Town, Antisis City, Seaport City, Ruins of Void, Vivill Town

Seadra-Route 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Gurun Town, Antisis City, Seaport City, Ruins of Void (Super Rod)

Goldeen-Route 6, 7, 9, Auburn Waterway, Tehl Town (Good Rod)

Seaking-Route 6, 7, 9, Auburn Waterway, Tehl Town (Super Rod)

Staryu-Route 2, 3, 4, 5, Dresco Town, Dehara City (Good Rod & Super Rod)

Starmie-Route 2, 4, 5, Dresco Town, Dehara City (Super Rod) / Evolve Staryu by using a Water Stone

Mr.Mime-Route 7 (Swarm Encounter)

Scyther-Use Headbutt on any trees in Redwood Village/Forest

Jynx-Icicle Cave B1F, Icy Hole, Victory Road 4F, Kyurem’s Cave / Evolve Smoochum (Lv. 30)

Electabuzz-Thundercap Mountain / Evolve Elekid (Lv. 30)

Magmar-Cinder Volcano (Shadow Base), Victory Road B1F / Evolve Magby (Lv. 30)

Pinsir-Use Headbutt on any trees in Redwood Village/Forest

Tauros-Safari Zone (Medium, Hard, Insane), Magnolia Fields

Magikarp-All Water areas (Old Rod)

Gyarados-Route 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 15, 18, Dresco Town, Valley Cave, Auburn Waterway, Tehl Town, Ruins o

Lapras-Icicle Cave, Icy Hole, Frost Mountain, Kyurem’s Cave (Surf) / Route 17, Seaport City (Super Rod)

Ditto-Route 5, 10, Auburn Waterway

Eevee-Dehara City Game Corner (1500 Coins)

Vaporeon-Evolve Eevee by using a Water Stone

Jolteon-Evolve Eevee by using a Thunder Stone

Flareon-Evolve Eevee by using a Fire Stone

Porygon-Dehara City Game Corner (9999 Coins)

Omanyte-Revive a Helix Fossil (Rock Smash in Great Desert / Mining / obtained randomly from Moleman in the Lost Tunnel)

Omastar-Evolve Omanyte (Lv. 40)

Kabuto-Revive a Dome Fossil (Rock Smash in Great Desert / Mining / obtained randomly from Moleman in the Lost Tunnel)

Kabutops-Evolve Kabuto (Lv. 40)

Aerodactyl-Revive an Old Amber (Rock Smash in Great Desert / Mining / obtained randomly from Moleman in the Lost Tunnel)

Snorlax-Redwood Forest (Static Encounter)

Articuno-North of Frozen Heights

Zapdos-On top of Thundercap Mountain

Moltres-On top of Cinder Volcano

Dratini-Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Dragonair-Evolve Dratini (Lv. 30)

Dragonite-Evolve Dragonair (Lv. 55)

Mewtwo-Currently Unavailable

Mew-Reward for completing the “Darwin Was Right” mission

Generation 2

Chikorita-Breed Bayleef

Bayleef-Route 18 (Swarm Encounter)

Meganium-Evolve Bayleef (Lv. 32)

Cyndaquil-Breed Quilava

Quilava-Magnolia Fields (Swarm Encounter)

Typhlosion-Evolve Quilava (Lv. 36)

Totodile-Breed Croconaw

Croconaw-Cootes Bog (Swarm Encounter)

Feraligatr-Evolve Croconaw (Lv. 30) / Catchable during the “Protector of the Swamp” mission

Sentret-Route 3 (Swarm Encounter)

Furret-Route 8 / Evolve Sentret (Lv. 15)

Hoothoot-Route 2, 7, 12 (Night)

Noctowl-Route 12, 17, 18, Magnolia Fields (Night) / Evolve Hoothoot (Lv. 20)

Ledyba-Route 6 (Day)

Ledian-Route 6, Redwood Forest (Day) / Evolve Ledyba (Lv. 18)

Spinarak-Route 6 (Night)

Ariados-Route 6, Redwood Forest (Night) / Evolve Spinarak (Lv. 22)

Crobat-Evolve Golbat (Max Happiness)

Chinchou-Thundercap Mountain (Good Rod & Surf) / Route 14, 16, 17, Ruins of Void (Underwater)

Lanturn-Thundercap Mountain (Super Rod & Surf) / Route 14, 16, 17, Ruins of Void (Underwater) / Evolve Chincho

Pichu-Breed Pikachu

Cleffa-Breed Clefairy

Igglybuff-Breed Jigglypuff

Togepi-Given as an Egg by an old lady in Fallshore City

Togetic-Evolve Togepi (Max Happiness)

Natu-Safari Zone (Easy)

Xatu-Safari Zone (Medium) / Evolve Natu (Lv. 25)

Mareep-Route 7

Flaaffy-Route 8 / Evolve Mareep (Lv. 15)

Ampharos-Evolve Flaaffy (Lv. 30)

Bellossom-Evolve Gloom by using a Sunstone

Marill-Route 9, 10, Auburn Waterway (Walk) / Route 9, Tehl Town, Victory Road 1F+B1F+2F (Surf) / Evolv

Azumarill-Route 9, Tehl Town, Victory Road 1F+B1F+2F (Surf) / Evolve Marill (Lv. 18)

Sudowoodo-Route 18

Politoed-Tarmigan Town (Surf) / Polder Town, Cootes Bog (Super Rod) / Evolve Poliwhirl by using a King’s Rock

Hoppip-Breed Skiploom / Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Skiploom-Route 17 (Day) / Evolve Hoppip (Lv. 18)

Jumpluff-Evolve Skiploom (Lv. 27)

Aipom-Use Headbutt on any trees in Redwood Village/Forest

Sunkern-Route 6 (Day)

Sunflora-Evolve Sunkern by using a Sun Stone

Yanma-Route 5 (Day)

Wooper-Route 11 Mountain

Quagsire-Route 11 Mountain / Evolve Wooper (Lv. 20)

Espeon-Evolve Eevee (Max Happiness during the day)

Umbreon-Evolve Eevee (Max Happiness during the night)

Murkrow-Route 5 (Night)

Slowking-Evolve Slowpoke by using a King’s Rock

Misdreavus-Route 11 Mountain

Unown-Tomb of Borrius

Wobbuffet-Safari Zone (Medium, Hard, Insane) / Evolve Wynaut (Lv. 15)

Girafarig-Route 16

Pineco-Use Headbutt on any trees in Redwood Village/Forest

Forretress-Evolve Pineco (Lv. 31)

Dunsparce-Valley Cave (Swarm Encounter)

Gligar-Valley Cave

Steelix-Route 11 Mountain / Evolve Onix by using a Metal Coat

Snubbull-Route 12

Granbull-Evolve Snubbull (Lv. 23)

Qwilfish-Crystal Peak, Magnolia Fields (Super Rod)

Scizor-Evolve Scyther by using a Metal Coat

Shuckle-Icicle Cave, Cinder Volcano, Thundercap Mountain, Great Desert (Rock Smash)

Heracross-Redwood Forest / Use Headbutt on any trees in Redwood Village/Forest

Sneasel-Frost Mountain / Route 8, Frozen Forest (Night)

Teddiursa-Breed Ursaring

Ursaring-Redwood Forest / Evolve Teddiursa (Lv. 30)

Slugma-Cinder Volcano, Victory Road B1F

Magcargo-Cinder Volcano, Victory Road B1F (Lava Surf) / Evolve Slugma (Lv. 38)

Swinub-Icicle Cave

Piloswine-Icicle Cave 1F+B1F, Icy Hole, Kyurem’s Cave, Victory Road 4F / Evolve Swinub (Lv. 33)

Corsola-Route 13, 14, Outside of the Thundercap Mountain (Rock Smash) / Route 16, 17, 18 (Good Rod, Supe

Remoraid-Route 6, 7, 11, 16, 17, 18, Fallshore City, Gurun Town, Antisis City, Seaport City (Good Rod) / Rout

Octillery-Route 6, 7, 11, 16, 17, 18, Fallshore City, Gurun Town, Antisis City, Seaport City (Super Rod)

Delibird-Route 1

Mantine-Route 14, 18, Gurun Town, Ruins of Void (Surf) / Evolve Mantyke (Leveled up with a Remoraid i

Skarmory-Crystal Peak

Houndour-Route 5 (Night)

Houndoom-Evolve Houndour (Lv. 24)

Kingdra-Ruins of Void, Gurun Town (Super Rod) / Evolve Seadra by using a Dragon Scale

Phanpy-Valley Cave

Donphan-Evolve Phanpy (Lv. 25)

Porygon 2-Evolve Porygon by using an Up-Grade

Stantler-Route 8 (Swarm Encounter)

Smeargle-Route 6 (Swarm Encounter)

Tyrogue-Breed Hitmontop

Hitmontop-Trade for a Lickitung in Epidimy Town / Evolve Tyrogue (Lv. 20, Atk = Def)

Smoochum-Icicle Cave

Elekid-Thundercap Mountain

Magby-Cinder Volcano

Miltank-Magnolia Fields

Blissey-Evolve Chansey (Max Happiness)

Raikou-Ruins of Void (Roaming)

Entei-Ruins of Void (Roaming)

Suicune-Portal in Ruins of Void (Raikou & Entei must be in the party)

Larvitar-Starter / Can be acquired either in the Shadow Base or rival’s house in Post-game

Pupitar-Evolve Larvitar (Lv. 30)

Tyranitar-Evolve Pupitar (Lv. 55)

Lugia-Portal in Ruins of Void (Raikou, Entei & Suicune must be in the party)

Ho-oh-Portal in Ruins of Void (Raikou, Entei & Suicune must be in the party)

Celebi-Redwood Village (Spiky-Eared Pichu must be in the party)

Spiky-Eared Pichu-Seaport City Breeder’s School (Show a Pichu to a breeder there)

Generation 3

Treecko-Safari Zone (Every 5 captures)

Grovyle-Evolve Treecko (Lv. 16)

Sceptile-Evolve Grovyle (Lv. 36)

Torchic-Safari Zone (Every 5 captures)

Combusken-Evolve Torchic (Lv. 16)

Blaziken-Evolve Combusken (Lv. 36)

Mudkip-Safari Zone (Every 5 captures)

Marshtomp-Evolve Mudkip (Lv. 16)

Swampert-Evolve Marshtomp (Lv. 36)

Poochyena-Route 2 (Swarm Encounter)

Mightyena-Evolve Poochyena (Lv. 18)

Zigzagoon-Route 6

Linoone-Route 10, Evolve Zigzagoon (Lv. 20),

Wurmple-Vivill Woods

Silcoon-Vivill Woods / Evolve Wurmple (Lv. 7)

Beautifly-Evolve Silcoon (Lv. 10)

Cascoon-Vivill Woods / Evolve Wurmple (Lv. 7)

Dustox-Evolve Cascoon (Lv. 10)

Lotad-Route 10, Auburn Waterway

Lombre-Route 10, Auburn Waterway (Walk & Surf) / Fallshore City Gym (Static Encounter) / Evolve Lotad (Lv. 14)

Ludicolo-Evolve Lombre with a Water Stone

Seedot-Grim Woods

Nuzleaf-Evolve Seedot (Lv. 14)

Shiftry-Evolve Nuzleaf by using a Leaf Stone

Taillow-Route 5 (Day)

Swellow-Evolve Taillow (Lv. 22)

Wingull-Route 3

Pelipper-Route 14, 17 / Route 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Dresco Town, Fallshor

Ralts-Route 4

Kirlia-Evolve Ralts (Lv. 20)

Gardevoir-Evolve Kirlia (Lv. 30)

Surskit-Route 3 (Night) / Grim Woods, Route 9, 10, Auburn Waterway, Vivill Woods (Surf)

Masquerain-Grim Woods, Route 9, 10, Auburn Waterway, Vivill Woods (Surf) / Evolve Surskit (Lv. 22)

Shroomish-Route 9

Breloom-Evolve Shroomish (Lv. 23)

Slakoth-Breed Vigoroth

Vigoroth-Redwood Forest / Evolve Slakoth (Lv. 18)

Slaking-Evolve Vigoroth (Lv. 36)

Nincada-Redwood Forest (Swarm Encounter)

Ninjask-Evolve Nincada (Lv. 20)

Shedinja-Evolve Nincada (Lv. 20 with an empty slot in the party & an extra Pokéball in a Cube)

Whismur-Breed Loudred

Loudred-Crystal Peak / Evolve Whismur (Lv. 20)

Exploud-Evolve Loudred (Lv. 40)

Makuhita-Icicle Cave, KBT Expressway

Hariyama-Icicle Cave B1F, Icy Hole, KBT Expressway, Kyurem’s Cave, Victory Road 4F / Evolve Makuhita (Lv. 24)

Azurill-Route 2 / Breed Marill with a Sea Incense

Nosepass-KBT Expressway, Valley Cave, Frost Mountain, Thundercap Mountain

Probopass-Evolve Nosepass by using a Thunder Stone or leveled up in Thundercap Mountain

Skitty-Safari Zone (Easy)

Delcatty-Evolve Skitty by using a Moon Stone

Sableye-Ruins of Void

Mawile-Icicle Cave (Secret Entrance)

Aron-KBT Expressway, Valley Cave, Frost Mountain

Lairon-KBT Expressway, Lost Tunnel / Evolve Aron (Lv. 32)

Aggron-Evolve Lairon (Lv. 42)

Meditite-Route 11

Medicham-Evolve Meditite (Lv. 37)

Electrike-Route 2

Manectric-Evolve Electrike (Lv. 26)

Plusle-Safari Zone (Easy)

Minun-Safari Zone (Easy)

Volbeat-Route 17 (Swarm Encounter)

Illumise-Route 17 (Swarm Encounter)

Roselia-Flower Paradise (Yellow Flowers), Victory Road (Grass Maze Area) / Evolve Budew (Max Happines

Gulpin-Route 11, Breed Swalot / Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Swalot-Evolve Gulpin (Lv. 26)

Carvanha-Route 12, 14, Fallshore City (Good Rod) / Route 17 (Underwater)

Sharpedo-Route 12, 14, Fallshore City (Super Rod) Route 17 (Underwater) / Evolve Carvanha (Lv. 30)

Wailmer-Route 12, 14, Magnolia Fields (Good Rod)

Wailord-Route 12, 14, Magnolia Fields (Super Rod) / Evolve Wailmer (Lv. 40)

Numel-Route 4, Cinder Volcano

Camerupt-Cinder Volcano (Shadow Base), Victory Road B1F / Evolve Numel (Lv. 33)

Torkoal-Cinder Volcano

Spoink-Route 11

Grumpig-Evolve Spoink (Lv. 32)

Spinda-Safari Zone (Medium, Hard)

Trapinch-Breed Vibrava / Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Vibrava-Great Desert / Evolve Trapinch (Lv. 35)

Flygon-Evolve Vibrava (Lv. 45)

Cacnea-Breed Cacturne / Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Cacturne-Great Desert / Evolve Cacnea (Lv. 32)

Swablu-Route 11 (Day)

Altaria-Evolve Swablu (Lv. 35)

Zangoose-Route 17

Seviper-Route 17

Lunatone-Ruins of Void

Solrock-Ruins of Void

Barboach-Grim Woods, Route 11, Epidimy Town, Vivill Woods, Vivill Town, Polder Town, Cootes Bog (Good Rod)

Whiscash-Grim Woods, Route 11, Epidimy Town, Vivill Woods, Vivill Town, Polder Town, Cootes Bog (Super Rod

Corphish-Route 4, 5 (Good Rod)

Crawdaunt-Route 4, 5 (Super Rod) / Evolve Corphish (Lv. 30)

Baltoy-Ruins of Void

Claydol-Ruins of Void / Evolve Baltoy (Lv. 36)

Lileep-Revive a Root Fossil (Rock Smash in Great Desert / Mining / obtained randomly from Moleman in the Lost Tunnel)

Cradily-Evolve Lileep (Lv. 40)

Anorith-Revive a Claw Fossil (Rock Smash in Great Desert / Mining / obtained randomly from Moleman in the Lost Tunnel)

Armaldo-Evolve Anorith (Lv. 40)

Feebas-Reward for completing the “Fisher Master” mission

Milotic-Evolve Feebas by using a Prism Scale

Castform-Given by a Clown in Seaport Boathouse (Requires all Weather TMs & Defog TM)

Kecleon-Route 16 (Invisible)

Shuppet-Grim Woods

Banette-Evolve Shuppet (Lv. 37)

Duskull-Grim Woods, Rift Cave, Ruins of Void

Dusclops-Rift Cave, Ruins of Void / Evolve Duskull (Lv. 37)

Tropius-Route 17 (Day)

Chimecho-Rift Cave / Evolve Chingling (Max Happiness during the night)

Absol-Crystal Peak (Outside Area)

Wynaut-Breed Wobbuffet with a Lax Incense

Snorunt-Route 1, 8

Glalie-Victory Road (Snowy Area, 4F, Kyurem’s Cave) / Evolve Snorunt (Lv. 42)

Spheal-Icicle Cave / Frost Mountain (Surf)

Sealeo-Icicle Cave, Icy Hole, Frost Mountain, Kyurem’s Cave (Walk & Surf) / Evolve Spheal (Lv. 32)

Walrein-Evolve Sealeo (Lv. 44)

Clamperl-Route 14, 16, 17, Ruins of Void (Underwater)

Huntail-Evolve Clamperl by using a Deep Sea Tooth

Gorebyss-Evolve Clamperl by using a Deep Sea Scale

Relicanth-Ruins of Void (Underwater)

Luvdisc-Fallshore City, Epidimy Town, Route 11, 14, Victory Road Grass Maze Area (Good Rod & Super Rod)

Bagon-Route 17

Shelgon-Evolve Bagon (Lv. 30)

Salamence-Evolve Shelgon (Lv. 50)

Beldum-Starter / Can be acquired either in the Shadow Base or rival’s house in Post-game

Metang-Evolve Beldum (Lv. 20)

Metagross-Evolve Metang (Lv. 45)

Regirock-Desert Ruins (Great Desert – the “Tomb Raider” mission must be completed)

Regice-Frozen Cave (Frozen Forest – the “Tomb Raider” mission must be completed)

Registeel-Ancient Tomb (Route 18 – the “Tomb Raider” mission must be completed)

Latias-Complete 45 missions then talk to the Ranger in the Mission HQ (Roaming – Currently Unavailabl

Latios-Complete 45 missions then talk to the Ranger in the Mission HQ (Roaming – Currently Unavailabl

Kyogre-Bring the Blue Orb to Vivill Warehouse (Underwater)

Groudon-Bring the Red Orb to Cinder Volcano (Shadow Base)

Rayquaza-Bring the Jade Orb to the summit of Crystal Peak

Jirachi-Crater Town locked house (Talk to an old man in Crater Town first)

Deoxys-Route 5 to Route 13 path (Jirachi must be in the party) Formes: Interact with the center of the meteorite

Generation 4

Turtwig-Given by a girl in Dehara City

Grotle-Evolve Turtwig (Lv. 18)

Torterra-Evolve Grotle (Lv. 32)

Chimchar-Given by a girl in Dehara City

Monferno-Evolve Chimchar (Lv. 14)

Infernape-Evolve Monferno (Lv. 36)

Piplup-Given by a girl in Dehara City

Prinplup-Evolve Piplup (Lv. 16)

Empoleon-Evolve Prinplup (Lv. 36)

Starly-Route 4

Staravia-Evolve Starly (Lv. 14)

Staraptor-Evolve Staravia (Lv. 34)

Bidoof-Route 3

Bibarel-Route 14 / Evolve Bidoof (Lv. 15)

Kricketot-Route 6 (Night)

Kricketune-Evolve Kricketot (Lv. 10)

Shinx-Route 6, 7

Luxio-Route 6, 7 / Evolve Shinx (Lv. 15)

Luxray-Evolve Luxio (Lv. 30)

Budew-Route 4 / Breed Roselia with a Rose Incense

Roserade-Evolve Roselia by using a Shiny Stone

Cranidos-Revive a Skull Fossil (Rock Smash in Great Desert / Mining / obtained randomly from Moleman in the Lost Tunnel)

Rampardos-Evolve Cranidos (Lv. 30)

Shieldon-Revive an Armor Fossil (Rock Smash in Great Desert / Mining / obtained randomly from Moleman in the Lost Tunnel)

Bastiodon-Evolve Shieldon (Lv. 30)

Burmy-Route 3 (Swarm Encounter), Route 4 (Swarm Encounter)

Wormadam-Evolve a female Burmy (Lv. 20)

Mothim-Evolve a male Burmy (Lv. 20)

Combee-Flower Paradise

Vespiquen-Evolve a female Combee

Pachirisu-Trade for a Manectric in Tarmigan Town

Buizel-Route 3

Floatzel-Route 14 / Victory Road Grass Maze Area (Surf) / Evolve Buizel (Lv. 26)

Cherubi-Route 3 (Day)

Cherrim-Evolve Cherubi (Lv. 25)

Shellos-Route 3 (West Sea) / Breed Gastrodon-East for East Sea variant

Gastrodon-Route 14 (West Sea) ; Polder Town, Cootes Bog, Crystal Peak (Surf, East Sea variant) / Evolve Shello

Ambipom-Evolve Aipom (Leveled up while knowing Double Hit)

Drifloon-Breed Drifblim

Drifblim-Crystal Peak (Outside Area) / Evolve Drifloon (Lv. 28)

Buneary-Route 7

Lopunny-Evolve Buneary (Max Happiness)

Mismagius-Evolve Misdreavus by using a Dusk Stone

Honchkrow-Evolve Murkrow by using a Dusk Stone

Glameow-Obtained randomly from a gentleman in Bellin Town / Route 11 (Swarm Encounter)

Purugly-Evolve Glameow (Lv. 38)

Chingling-Breed Chimecho with a Pure Incense

Stunky-Obtained randomly from a gentleman in Bellin Town / Breed Skuntank

Skuntank-Route 18 (Night) / Evolve Stunky (Lv. 34)

Bronzor-Frost Mountain, Rift Cave 1F

Bronzong-Ruins of Void, Rift Cave / Evolve Bronzor (Lv. 33)

Bonsly-Breed Sudowoodo with a Rock Incense

Mime Jr.-Breed Mr.Mime with an Odd Incense

Happiny-Route 9 / Breed Chansey with a Luck Incense

Chatot-Route 16

Spiritomb-Talk to an old lady in Gurun Town PC with an Odd Keystone in a Cube

Gible-Starter / Can be acquired either in the Shadow Base or rival’s house in Post-game

Gabite-Evolve Gible (Lv. 24)

Garchomp-Evolve Gabite (Lv. 48)

Munchlax-Breed Snorlax with a Full Incense

Riolu-Route 2

Lucario-Evolve Riolu (Max Happiness during the day)

Hippopotas-Breed Hippowdon / Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Hippowdon-Great Desert / Evolve Hippopotas ( Lv. 34)

Skorupi-Obtained randomly from a gentleman in Bellin Town / Route 9

Drapion-Cootes Bog / Evolve Skorupi (Lv. 40)

Croagunk-Cootes Bog

Toxicroak-Cootes Bog / Evolve Croagunk (Lv. 37)

Carnivine-Cootes Bog

Finneon-Valley Cave, Epidimy Town, Crystal Peak, Victory Road 1F+B1F+2F (Good Rod)

Lumineon-Epidimy Town (Surf) / Valley Cave, Crystal Peak, Victory Road 1F+B1F+2F (Super Rod) / Evo Finneon

Mantyke-Route 6, 7, 12, 16, 17, Antisis City, Seaport City (Surf) / Breed Mantine with a Wave Incense

Snover-Route 8, Frozen Forest

Abomasnow-Victory Road Snowy Area / Evolve Snover (Lv. 40)

Weavile-Evolve Sneasel (Leveled up while holding a Razor Claw during the night)

Magnezone-Evolve Magneton by using a Thunder Stone or leveled up in Thundercap Mountain

Lickilicky-Evolve Lickitung (Leveled up while knowing Rollout)

Rhyperior-Evolve Rhydon by using a Protector

Tangrowth-Evolve Tangela (Leveled up while knowing Ancient Power)

Electivire-Evolve Electabuzz by using an Electirizer

Magmortar-Evolve Magmar by using a Magmarizer

Togekiss-Evolve Togetic by using a Shiny Stone

Yanmega-Evolve Yanma (Leveled up while knowing Ancient Power)

Leafeon-Evolve Eevee by using a Leaf Stone

Glaceon-Evolve Eevee by using an Ice Stone

Gliscor-Evolve Gligar (Leveled up while holding a Razor Fang during the night)

Mamoswine-Evolve Piloswine (Leveled up while knowing Ancient Power)

Porygon Z-Evolve Porygon 2 by using a Dubious Disk

Gallade-Evolve a male Kirlia by using a Dawn Stone

Dusknoir-Evolve Dusclops by using a Reaper Cloth

Froslass-Evolve a female Snorunt by using a Dawn Stone

Rotom-Reward for completing the “Too Much Tv” mission, Forms: Interact with the boxes in Antisis City

Uxie-In Front of Dream Research Lab (the “Guardians of the Lake” mission must be activated)

Mesprit-Shadow Base Zeph’s room (the “Guardians of the Lake” mission must be activated)

Azelf-Above the Pokémon Center on Route 18 (the “Guardians of the Lake” mission must be activated)

Dialga-Cave of Being (the Lake guardians must be in the party)

Palkia-Rift Cave (the “A Rift in Space” mission must be activated)

Heatran-Cinder Volcano (Magma Stone is required).

Regigigas-Icy Hole (Beneath Bellin Town)

Giratina-Distortion World, Origin Forme: Hold a Griseous Orb

Cresselia-Fullmoon Island (Roaming) / Catchable during “The Endless Nightmare” mission

Phione-Breed Manaphy

Manaphy-Acquired as an Egg after solving the Braille tablet in the Ruins of Void (Underwater)

Darkrai-Newmoon Island / “The Endless Nightmare” mission must be completed

Shaymin-Flower Paradise, Sky Forme: Using a Gracidea Flower in the daytime

Arceus-Talk to the scientist in Dream Research Lab (All Plates required)

Generation 5

Victini-Obtained from a quest in the battlegrounds

Snivy-Given by a girl on Route 5

Servine-Evolve Snivy (Lv. 17)

Serperior-Evolve Servine (Lv. 36)

Tepig-Given by a girl on Route 5

Pignite-Evolve Tepig (Lv. 17)

Emboar-Evolve Pignite (Lv. 36)

Oshawott-Given by a girl on Route 5

Dewott-Evolve Oshawott (Lv. 17)

Samurott-Evolve Dewott (Lv. 36)

Patrat-Route 2 (Day)

Watchog-Evolve Patrat (Lv. 20)

Lillipup-Route 4

Herdier-Evolve Lillipup (Lv. 16)

Stoutland-Evolve Herdier (Lv. 32)

Purrloin-Route 5 (Static Encounter)

Liepard-Evolve Purrloin (Lv. 20)

Pansage-Flower Paradise (Pink Flowers)

Simisage-Evolve Pansage by using a Leaf Stone

Pansear-Flower Paradise (Red Flowers)

Simisear-Evolve Pansear by using a Fire Stone

Panpour-Flower Paradise (Blue Flowers)

Simipour-Evolve Panpour by using a Water Stone

Munna-Tarmigan Town (Raid Den) / Breed Musharna

Musharna-Tarmigan Town (Raid Den) / Evolve Munna by using a Moon Stone

Pidove-Breed Tranquill / Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Tranquill-Magnolia Fields / Evolve Pidove (Lv. 21)

Unfezant-Evolve Tranquill (Lv. 32)

Blitzle-Safari Zone (Easy)

Zebstrika-Safari Zone (Medium, Hard) / Evolve Blitzle (Lv. 27)

Roggenrola-Icicle Cave, Frost Mountain / Route 2, 8 (Rock Smash)

Boldore-Icicle Cave B1F, Icy Hole, Victory Road 1F /Evolve Roggenrola (Lv. 25)

Gigalith-Evolve Boldore by using a Link Stone

Woobat-Cinder Volcano, Valley Cave, KBT, Frost Mountain, Lost Tunnel, Crystal Peak, Victory Road

Swoobat-Evolve Woobat (Max Happiness)

Drilbur-Icicle Cave (Secret Entrance), Cinder Volcano

Excadrill-Cinder Volcano (Shadow Base), Victory Road B1F / Evolve Drilbur (Lv. 31)

Audino-Route 18, Victory Road (Grass Maze Area)

Timburr-Thundercap Mountain 2F+4F

Gurdurr-Thundercap Mountain 2F (Small room) / Evolve Timburr (Lv. 25)

Conkeldurr-Evolve Gurdurr by using a Link Stone

Tympole-Route 10, Auburn Waterway

Palpitoad-Route 10, Auburn Waterway (Walk & Surf), Polder Town (Surf) / Evolve Tympole (Lv. 25)

Seismitoad-Evolve Palpitoad (Lv. 36)

Throh-Route 16

Sawk-Route 16

Sewaddle-Breed Swadloon / Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Swadloon-Vivill Woods / Evolve Sewaddle (Lv. 20)

Leavanny-Evolve Swadloon (Max Happiness)

Venipede-Breed Whirlipede

Whirlipede-Antisis Sewers (Swarm Encounter) / Evolve Venipede (Lv. 22)

Scolipede-Evolve Whirlipede (Lv. 30)

Cottonee-Vivill Woods

Whimsicott-Evolve Cottonee by using a Sun Stone

Petilil-Vivill Woods

Lilligant-Evolve Petilil by using a Sun Stone

Basculin-Route 2, 4, 5, 11, 15, Dresco Town (Surf, Red-Striped), Victory Road Grass Maze Area

Sandile-Breed Krokorok / Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Krokorok-Great Desert / Evolve Sandile (Lv. 29)

Krookodile-Evolve Krokorok (Lv. 40)

Darumaka-Great Desert

Darmanitan-Evolve Darumaka (Lv. 35)

Maractus-Great Desert

Dwebble-Great Desert

Crustle-Evolve Dwebble (Lv. 34)

Scraggy-Route 2

Scrafty-Evolve Scraggy (Lv. 39)

Sigilyph-Ruins of Void, Tomb of Borrius

Yamask-Ruins of Void

Cofagrigus-Ruins of Void / Evolve Yamask (Lv. 34)

Tirtouga-Revive a Cover Fossil (Rock Smash in Great Desert / Mining / obtained randomly from Moleman in the Lost Tunnel)

Carracosta-Evolve a Tirtouga (Lv. 37)

Archen-Revive a Plume Fossil (Rock Smash in Great Desert / Mining / obtained randomly from Moleman in the Lost Tunnel)

Archeops-Evolve Archen (Lv. 37)

Trubbish-Antisis City dumpsters

Garbodor-Antisis City dumpsters / Evolve Trubbish (Lv. 36)

Zorua-Breed Zoroark

Zoroark-Found in Redwood Forest In Disguise

Minccino-Route 2

Cinccino-Evolve Minccino by using a Shiny Stone

Gothita-Route 12 (Night)

Gothorita-Evolve Gothita (Lv. 32)

Gothitelle-Evolve Gothorita (Lv. 41)

Solosis-Route 12 (Day)

Duosion-Evolve Solosis (Lv. 32)

Reuniclus-Evolve Duosion (Lv. 41)

Ducklett-Trade for an Alolan Sandshrew in Dresco Town

Swanna-Evolve Ducklett (Lv. 35)

Vanillite-Route 1

Vanillish-Victory Road (Snowy Area) / Evolve Vanillite (Lv. 35)

Vanilluxe-Evolve Vanillish (Lv. 47)

Deerling-Route 6 (Spring), Route 8 (Winter), Route 9 (Autumn), Route 12 (Summer)

Sawsbuck-Evolve Deerling (Lv. 34)

Emolga-Dehara City Game Corner (500 Coins)

Karrablast-Route 9 (Swarm Encounter)

Escavalier-Evolve Karrablast by using a Link Stone

Foongus-Vivill Woods (Trainer ID dependant) / Breed Amoongus

Amoonguss-Trade for a Shiinotic in Vivill Town / Evolve Foongus (Lv. 39)

Frillish-Magnolia Fields (Surf)

Jellicent-Magnolia Fields (Surf) / Evolve Frillish (Lv. 40)

Alomomola-Route 13 (Surf)

Joltik-Thundercap Mountain (Swarm Encounter).

Galvantula-Evolve Joltik (Lv. 36)

Ferroseed-Thundercap Mountain (Swarm Encounter)

Ferrothorn-Evolve Ferroseed (Lv. 40)

Klink-Thundercap Mountain

Klang-Thundercap Mountain 3F, 2F (Small room) / Evolve Klink (Lv. 38)

Klinklang-Evolve Klang (Lv. 49)

Tynamo-Thundercap Mountain

Eelektrik-Thundercap Mountain 3F / Evolve Tynamo (Lv. 39)

Eelektross-Evolve Eelektrik by using a Thunder Stone

Elgyem-Route 5 (Swarm Encounter)

Beheeyem-Evolve Elgyem (Lv. 42)

Litwick-Breed Lampent

Lampent-Trade for a Zweilous in Redwood Village / Evolve Litwick (Lv. 41)

Chandelure-Evolve Lampent by using a Dusk Stone

Axew-Dehara City Game Corner (5000 Coins)

Fraxure-Crystal Peak / Evolve Axew (Lv. 38)

Haxorus-Evolve Fraxure (Lv. 48)

Cubchoo-Route 8, Frozen Forest

Beartic-Victory Road (Snowy Area) / Evolve Cubchoo (Lv. 37)

Cryogonal-Frost Mountain

Shelmet-Route 10 (Swarm Encounter)

Accelgor-Evolve Shelmet by using a Link Stone

Stunfisk-Thundercap Mountain, Polder Town, Cootes Bog (Surf)

Mienfoo-Route 12

Mienshao-Evolve Mienfoo (Lv. 50)

Druddigon-Victory Road 2F

Golett-Rift Cave 1F

Golurk-Rift Cave B1F+B2F / Evolve Golett (Lv. 43)

Pawniard-Route 16

Bisharp-Evolve Pawniard (Lv. 52)

Bouffalant-Route 18

Rufflet-Great Desert (Monday), outside of Crystal Peak

Braviary-Evolve Rufflet (Lv. 54)

Vullaby-Great Desert (Thursday), outside of Crystal Peak

Mandibuzz-Evolve Vullaby (Lv. 54)

Heatmor-Cinder Volcano (Shadow Base), Victory Road (Grass Maze Area, B1F)

Durant-Victory Road 1F+B1F+3F

Deino-Crystal Peak

Zweilous-Crystal Peak / Evolve Deino (Lv. 50)

Hydreigon-Evolve Zweilous (Lv. 64)

Larvesta-Reward for completing “The Treasure Hunter” mission

Volcarona-Evolve Larvesta (Lv. 59)

Cobalion-Victory Road Snowy Area (the “Swords of Justice” mission must be activated)

Terrakion-Victory Road 3F (the “Swords of Justice” mission must be activated)

Virizion-Victory Road Grass Maze Area (the “Swords of Justice” mission must be activated)

Tornadus-Magnolia Fields (Roaming)

Thundurus-Magnolia Fields (Roaming)

Reshiram-Portal in Crystal Peak 3F (Day)

Zekrom-Portal in Crystal Peak 3F (Night)

Landorus-Magnolia Fields (Tornadus & Thundurus must be in the party)

Kyurem-Victory Road (Inside a cave in the Snowy Area)

Keldeo-Route 17 (Cobalion, Terrakion & Virizion must be in the party)

Meloetta-Polder Town (Night)

Genesect-Currently Unavailable

Generation 6

Chespin-Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Quilladin-Evolve Chespin (Lv. 16)

Chesnaught-Evolve Quilladin (Lv. 36)

Fennekin-Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event)

Braixen-Evolve Fennekin (Lv. 16)

Delphox-Evolve Braixen (Lv. 36)

Froakie-Obtained as an egg randomly from the Magnolia Café Egg Lady (RTC Event, Post-Game only)

Frogadier-Evolve Froakie (Lv. 16)

Greninja-Evolve Frogadier (Lv. 36)

Bunnelby-Route 6

Diggersby-Evolve Bunnelby (Lv. 20)

Fletchling-Route 12 (Day)

Fletchinder-Route 12 (Day) / Evolve Fletchling (Lv. 17)

Talonflame-Evolve Fletchinder (Lv. 35)

Scatterbug-Vivill Woods

Spewpa-Vivill Woods/ Evolve Scatterbug (Lv. 9)

Vivillon-Evolve Spewpa (Lv. 12)

Litleo-Route 2 (Reward for defeating the Challenge Road Trainers)

Pyroar-Evolve Litleo (Lv. 35)

Flabebe-Flower Paradise

Floette-Evolve Flabébé (Lv. 19)

Florges-Evolve Floette by using a Shiny Stone

Skiddo-Breed Gogoat

Gogoat-Magnolia Fields / Evolve Skiddo (Lv. 32)

Pancham-Route 16

Pangoro-Evolve Pancham (Lv. 32 with a Dark-type Pokémon in the party)

Furfrou-Magnolia Fields

Espurr-Route 7 (Day)

Meowstic-Evolve Espurr (Lv. 25)

Honedge-Safari Zone (Medium)

Doublade-Safari Zone (Insane) / Evolve Honedge (Lv. 35)

Aegislash-Evolve Doublade by using a Dusk Stone

Spritzee-Route 12 (Swarm Encounter)

Aromatisse-Evolve Spritzee by using a Sachet

Swirlix-Route 12 (Swarm Encounter)

Slurpuff-Evolve Swirlix by using a Whipped Dream

Inkay-Route 2

Malamar-Evolve Inkay (Lv. 30)

Binacle-Route 2 (Rock Smash), 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, outside of the Thundercap Mountain, Great Desert (Rock Smash)

Barbaracle-Evolve Binacle (Lv. 39)

Skrelp-Route 13 (Good Rod)

Dragalge-Route 13 (Super Rod) / Evolve Skrelp (Lv. 48)

Clauncher-Route 13 (Good Rod)

Clawitzer-Route 13 (Super Rod) / Evolve Clauncher (Lv. 37)

Helioptile-Safari Zone (Easy, Medium, Hard)

Heliolisk-Safari Zone (Insane) / Evolve Helioptile by using a Sun Stone

Tyrunt-Revive a Jaw Fossil (Rock Smash in Great Desert / Mining / obtained randomly from Moleman in the Lost Tunnel)

Tyrantrum-Evolve Tyrunt (Lv. 39)

Amaura-Revive a Sail Fossil (Rock Smash in Great Desert / Mining / obtained randomly from Moleman in the Lost Tunnel)

Aurorus-Evolve Amaura (Lv. 39)

Sylveon-Evolve Eevee (Leveled up while knowing a Fairy-type move with low happiness)

Hawlucha-Dehara City Game Corner (1000 Coins)

Dedenne-Route 12

Carbink-(Behind any collapsed doors in the KBT)

Goomy-Route 10, Auburn Waterway

Sliggoo-Cootes Bog (Walk), Polder Town (Surf) / Evolve Goomy (Lv. 40)

Goodra-Evolve Sliggoo (at level 50 when leveled up during rain or fog)

Klefki-Dehara City Game Corner (3000 Coins)

Phantump-Grim Woods

Trevenant-Evolve Phantump by using a Link Stone

Pumpkaboo-Grim Woods

Gourgeist-Evolve Pumpkaboo by using a Link Stone

Noibat-Valley Cave B1F, KBT Expressway, Crystal Peak

Noivern-Crystal Peak 1F / Evolve Noibat (Lv. 48)

Bergmite-Icicle cave

Avalugg-Icicle cave B1F, Icy Hole, Victory Road 4F / Evolve Bergmite (Lv. 37)

Xerneas-Portal in Redwood Forest (Day)

Yveltal-Portal in Crystal Peak (Night)

Zygarde-Assemble 10% & 50% formes by collecting cells throughout Borrius (Complete Zygarde currently unavailable)

Diancie-Behind any collapsed doors in the KBT Expressway (the “Major Miner” mission must be completed)

Hoopa-On top of Crystal Peak (Storyline), Unbound Forme: Use Prison Bottle

AZ’s Floette-Portal in Vivill Warehouse B5F

Volcanion-Cinder Volcano (after re-beating the E4)

Generation 7

Rowlet-Given by a girl in Seaport City

Dartrix-Evolve Rowlet (Lv. 17)

Decidueye-Evolve Dartrix (Lv. 34)

Litten-Given by a girl in Seaport City

Torracat-Evolve Litten (Lv. 17)

Incineroar-Evolve Torracat (Lv. 34)

Popplio-Given by a girl in Seaport City

Brionne-Evolve Popplio (Lv. 17)

Primarina-Evolve Brionne (Lv. 34)

Pikipek-Route 2 (Day)

Trumbeak-Evolve Pikipek (Lv. 14)

Toucannon-Evolve Trumbeak (Lv. 28)

Yungoos-Route 7 (Day)

Gumshoos-Route 7 (Day) / Evolve Yungoos (Lv. 20 during the day)

Grubbin-Route 9

Charjabug-Evolve Grubbin (Lv. 20)

Vikavolt-Evolve Charjabug by using a Thunderstone or leveled up in Thundercap Mountain

Crabrawler-Breed Crabominable

Crabominable-Frozen Forest (Thursday) / Catchable during “The Nine Tails of Snow” mission / Evolve Crabrawle

Oricorio-Flower Paradise (Change forms by using Nectar)

Cutiefly-Flower Paradise

Ribombee-Evolve Cutiefly (Lv. 25)

Rockruff-Route 12

Lycanroc-Evolve Rockruff (Lv. 25), Midday: From 04:00 – 16:59, Dusk: From 17:00 – 19:59, Midnight: From 20:00 – 03:59

Wishiwashi-Route 9, 10, Tehl Town, Auburn Waterway (Good Rod & Super Rod)

Mareanie-Route 14, Ruins of Void (Underwater)

Toxapex-Route 14, Ruins of Void (Underwater) / Evolve Mareanie (Lv. 38)

Mudbray-Breed Mudsdale

Mudsdale-Magnolia Fields/ Evolve Mudbray (Lv. 30)

Dewpider-Route 3 (Day)

Araquanid-Route 3 (Surf) / Evolve Dewpider (Lv. 22)

Fomantis-Breed Lurantis

Lurantis-Victory Road Grass Maze Area / Evolve Fomantis (Lv. 34 during the day)

Morelull-Vivill Woods (Trainer ID dependant) / Breed Shiinotic

Shiinotic-Trade for an Amoongus in Vivill Town / Evolve Morelull (Lv. 24)

Salandit-Cinder Volcano

Salazzle-Victory Road B1F / Evolve a female Salandit (Lv. 33)

Stufful-Route 2

Bewear-Evolve Stufful (Lv. 27)

Bounsweet-Safari Zone (Easy)

Steenee-Safari Zone (Medium) / Evolve Bounsweet (Lv. 18)

Tsareena-Evolve Steenee (Leveled up while knowing Stomp)

Comfey-Flower Paradise

Oranguru-Redwood Forest

Passimian-Redwood Forest

Wimpod-Breed Golisopod

Golisopod-Safari Zone (Hard, Insane) / Evolve Wimpod (Lv. 30)

Sandygast-Interact with the Sand Castles on Route 3 (Monday & Tuesday), on Dehara Beach (Sunday & Wednesday)

Palossand-Evolve Sandygast (Lv. 42)

Pyukumuku-Fallshore City, Dehara City (Surf)

Type: Null-Complete 20 Missions then talk to the Ranger in the Mission HQ

Silvally-Evolve Type: Null (Max Happiness)

Minior-Route 1, 8, Victory Road (Snowy Area)

Komala-Redwood Forest

Turtonator-Victory Road 2F+3F

Togedemaru-Route 11

Mimikyu-Seaport City Warehouse (Static Encounter)

Bruxish-Route 9, 10, Tehl Town, Auburn Waterway, Victory Road Grass Maze Area (Super Rod)

Drampa-Victory Road 2F+3F

Dhelmise-Vivill Warehouse (Super Rod)

Jangmo-o-Breed Hakamo-o

Hakamo-o-Victory Road 3F / Evolve Jangmo-o (Lv. 35)

Kommo-o-Evolve Hakamo-o (Lv. 45)

Tapu Koko-Portal on Route 11 Mountain

Tapu Lele-Portal on Route 17

Tapu Bulu-Portal on Route 9

Tapu Fini-Portal on Route 2

Cosmog-In the bag on Route 12 beach

Cosmoem-Evolve Cosmog (Lv. 43)

Solgaleo-Evolve Cosmoem (Lv. 53 during the day) / Portal on Route 12 during the day if Lunala is in the party

Lunala-Evolve Cosmoem (Lv. 53 during the night) / Portal on Route 12 during the night if Solgaleo is i

Nihilego-Portal in Route 14 underwater (Night)

Buzzwole-Portal on a mountain outside of Cinder Volcano (Day)

Pheromosa-Portal in Great Desert (Day)

Xurkitree-Portal in Thundercap Mountain (Night)

Celesteela-Portal in Crater Town (Night)

Kartana-Portal in Vivill Woods (Day)

Guzzlord-Portal in Antisis Sewers (Night)

Necrozma-Portal in Frost Mountain (Night) (Solgaleo & Lunala must be in the party)

Magearna-Tomb of Borrius

Marshadow-Currently Unavailable

Poipole-Currently Unavailable

Naganadel-Currently Unavailable

Stakataka-Portal on Route 7 (Day)

Blacephalon-Portal in Magnolia Fields (Night)

Zeraora-Thundercap Mountain 4F (the ADM is required)

Meltan-Currently Unavailable

Melmetal-Currently Unavailable

Alolan Rattata-Route 7 (Night)

Alolan Raticate-Route 7 (Night) / Evolve Alolan Rattata (Lv. 20 during the night)

Alolan Raichu-Use a Thunder Stone on Pikachu while standing on a Seashore/Receive from Trade with Red at Magnolia Cafe

Alolan Sandshrew-Outside of Icicle Cave (“The Food Thief” mission must be activated)

Alolan Sandslash-Evolve Alolan Sandshrew by using an Ice Stone

Alolan Vulpix-Reward for completing the “Nine Tails of Snow” mission

Alolan Ninetales-Evolve Alolan Vulpix by using an Ice Stone

Alolan Diglett-Safari Zone (Medium, Hard)

Alolan Dugtrio-Safari Zone (Insane), Evolve Alolan Diglett (Lv. 26)

Alolan Meowth-Safari Zone (Easy)

Alolan Persian-Evolve Alolan Meowth (Max Happiness)

Alolan Geodude-Route 11 Mountain (Walk), Thundercap Mountain (Rock Smash)

Alolan Graveler-Route 11 Mountain (Walk), Thundercap Mountain (Rock Smash) / Evolve Alolan Geodude (Lv. 25)

Alolan Golem-Evolve Alolan Graveler by using a Link Stone

Alolan Grimer-Reward for completing the “Supply and Demand” mission

Alolan Muk-Evolve Alolan Grimer (Lv. 38)

Alolan Exeggutor-Evolve an Exeggcute caught in Safari Zone by using a Leaf Stone

Alolan Marowak-Evolve Cubone (Lv. 28 during the night)

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Pokemon Unbound Pokemon Locations (2025)


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Unbound Encounters

Pokémon Unbound has 61 different encounter locations with 467 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!

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57 Hours
Main Story2030h 46m
Main + Extras799h 9m
Completionist2485h 6m
All PlayStyles2978h 36m

How to get all starters in Pokemon Unbound? ›

Sinnoh starters are at Dehara City; you can claim one after taking 4 badges, and all three if you have 8. Unova starters are at Route 5 right before Crater Town; you can obtain one before entering the town and get all three by the time you get all badges. Alolan starters are at one of the houses at Seaport City.

Which type of Pokemon is the most common Pokemon unbound? ›

Pep Quiz House
What single-type Pokémon known as The Cave Pokémon?It's not Rock or Ground type.Druddigon
What is the most common Pokémon type?There is too much of it.Water
What is the two-by-two Pokémon battle called?If it's a one-on-one battle, it's a Single!Double
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How to evolve Haunter into Gengar in Pokémon Unbound? ›

You evolve Haunter into Gengar with a Link Stone. Go to Crater Town and head north to KBT Expressway, and find a man standing by the wall. After talking to him, smash the walls repeatedly; you will pick up a Link Stone eventually. Or get one Link Stone on one of the houses in Fallshore, to the southeast.

What is the shortest Pokémon game? ›

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! Most streamers have reported that they took around 14 - 16 h to beat Sword and Shield, which is around 10 hours shorter then the previously shortest game in the series.

What's the longest Pokémon game? ›

The longest Pokémon game to date is the 2006 release, Diamond and Pearl for the Nintendo DS. It clocks in at 40.5 hours, with 93 hours required to beat the main game plus extras and 260 hours to complete. The Switch remakes are shorter, coming in at 26.5 hours.

What do you get for saving 100 times in Pokémon unbound? ›

"Practice saving lives by saving the game at least 100 times." Manually save your game 100+ times. Given by the young man in the house in the eastern most island. The young man will reward you with a bottle cap upon completion.

How do you get a perfect start in unbound? ›

Getting a Perfect Start

If the player can keep it there when the countdown ends, they'll get a perfect launch off the line. A perfect start isn't simply a boost like in many other racing titles. In Unbound, a perfect launch simply eliminates spin-out, so the tires won't spin out if the player is over-accelerating.

How many steps does it take to hatch an egg in Pokémon unbound? ›

It needs around 5000 steps to hatch (and preferably even less if you have a mon with Magma Armor or Flame Body; you can catch Slugma at Cinder Volcano for this).

Is Hoopa better unbound? ›

Hoopa Unbound possesses an absolutely massive 311 base Attack stat, surpassing even that of Mewtwo. However, its performance in raids is merely good instead of top tier. As a Psychic-type attacker, it trails slightly behind Mewtwo in DPS, as it doesn't have access to Mewtwo's devastating Psystrike.

What is the best move for Pokémon unbound? ›

The best moves for Hoopa (Unbound) are Confusion and Psychic when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.

What is the best Pokémon to beat Hoopa Unbound? ›

The best Pokemon Go Hoopa - Unbound counters are Mega Heracross, Mega Pinsir, Shadow Scizor, Volcarona, Mega Scizor & Vikavolt.

What does Pokémon unbound have? ›

Pokémon Unbound is a fan-made Rom Hack made by Skeli, Pokémon Unbound is filled with many features like difficulty settings, A new mission system, Max raids, and more. It is a GBA Rom Hack of Fire Red with Pokémon from Generations I to VIII, and Gen VIII game mechanics.

Does Pokémon Unbound have fakemon? ›

The only downside to the game is that it's more interested in being faithful instead of adding new content. There are no fakemon, no stat/type changes, and no new moves or abilities. There are plenty of battle modes that have interesting twists, but sometimes those come across as gimmicky instead of fun.

Does Pokémon Scarlet include all Pokémon? ›

A 3rd DLC could and should give us the remaining pokemon.

What is the difference between hoopa bound and unbound? ›

Hoopa can remain in Unbound form for three days until its power is sealed away, reverting to the smaller Confined Form. In the anime, both forms of Hoopa are shown to be able to travel through its rings. Hoopa Unbound is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Hyperspace Fury.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.